Genre: Horror Premise: (from Black List) A mother and her young son fleeing Nazi-occupied Poland are forced to take shelter from a blizzard in an isolated manor, where they discover the Nazis may be the least of their worries. About: Screenwriter Ian Shorr has made the Black List many times. He’s also sold a few […]
Taika Waititi’s flight stick is shaking. The onboard computer is repeating, “Stall imminent! Stall imminent!” Will this next project save his career from spiraling into the ocean? Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi Premise: A young female robot becomes a companion for a sick rich girl who is trying to navigate her increasingly difficult life. About: Taika Waititi just […]
A dissection of a doomed movie concept Guess what? MAY LOGLINE SHOWDOWN IS THIS WEEK! If you have a script written and you want to battle your peers, get some feedback from the community, and get that all important exposure for your screenplay, this is a great opportunity. Send me your title, genre, and logline […]
A secret about screenwriting that only the tippy-top screenwriters know One of the weirder things I’ve learned about screenwriting over the years is that there are things that work in a script that don’t work in a movie and there are things that work in a movie that don’t work in a script. Understanding why […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: On a private island off San Francisco, a nanny goes to work for a mother who is one of America’s most powerful tech entrepreneurs. Things slowly begin to devolve as the mother’s hyper-monitoring and surveillance become suffocating. About: Another script that made last year’s Black List. Laura Kosann has won the Nicholl […]