Genre: Action-Adventure/Sci-FiSynopsis: A down-on-his-luck scientist finds a way to travel into an alternate universe.About: Brad Silbering is directing. The guy who, I believe, did Lemony Snicket.Writers: Chris Henchey & Dennis McNicholas Can I just say how much I hate the 70s? Can I just say how much I hate when people try to make fun […]
Synopsis: The most important people in the world are dying mysterious deaths. Someone is predicting them each and every time.About: Karma Coalition is the kind of spec that sparks outrage. A lot of people thought this was a sloppily executed high concept story. I say…they’re wrong! (well sorta)Writer: Shawn Christensen I am a sucker for […]
About: FUCK THIS SCRIPTWriter: Christopher Nolan – Revisions by Michael Stokes (novel by Ruth Rendell) I really hated this script. Like hated it. For the record, I’m one of the few people who thought The Dark Knight wasn’t very good. My problems with it were at the script stage. I felt there were way too […]
Synopsis: An anti-love story.About: This played at Sundance ’08 and stars Zooey Deschenal and Joseph Gordon Levitt.Writer: Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber 500 Days Of Summer (Summer is the female character by the way) is a film that, dare I say, a young Woody Allen might have written. It took me awhile to understand […]
Synopsis: Guy with amnesia wakes up on a train. The train may or may not be a target in a terrorist attack. Sci-fi. About: Source Code is very much like the Denzel Washington vehicle “Deja-Vu”. But, you know, actually good. Writer: Ben Ripley Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. I absolutely freaking LOVED this script. […]