
Genre: Thriller Premise: When a runner sells his extra New York Marathon entry off for cash, he unwittingly invites a terrorist into his life. About: This script sold for 750 thousand dollars back in 1995. Three writers wrote it. Kirk De Micco would go on to write The Croods and a lot of other kids […]
Genre: Comedy/Horror Premise: (from IMDB) An oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens converge on a forest where a huge black bear goes on a murderous rampage after unintentionally ingesting cocaine. About: A couple of interesting tidbits about this one. A writer named Jimmy Warden wrote it. His only writing credit is as a […]
Genre: Horror/Dark Comedy Premise: A prolific serial killer struggles to suppress her desire to kill during a weekend-long engagement party hosted by her new fiance’s wealthy, obnoxious family. About: Our Showdown-winning logline! Rosemary won the contest with 33 and a half votes. That was 35% of the total votes. Writer: Sam Van Meter Details: 100 […]
Is Victoria Pedretti our Rosemary? I get a lot of e-mails after these Logline Showdowns from writers who are miffed that their loglines didn’t make the big show. While I don’t have time to respond to every one of these inquiries (I can respond to anyone who gets a logline consultation – they’re $25 – […]
Genre: Satire/Comedy Premise: Shunned by elite society as a member of the gig economy, a sociopathic dog walker infiltrates an exclusive L.A. community with designs of reaching the top of the neighborhood’s social ladder. About: This script finished in the top 10 of last year’s Black List with 20 votes. This appears to be the […]