
Genre: Comedy/Sci-Fi Premise: A married couple attending a gender reveal party are quickly informed that they must stop the reveal party at all costs… or the world will blow up. About: This script finished top 10 on the Black List. Jack Waz has been slowly working his way up the ranks. He was a writer’s […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: A young woman obsessed with eating healthy becomes convinced that all the food she puts in her body is rotting, leading to her having a meltdown at her sister’s wedding. About: This script finished NUMBER 1 on the recently released 2022 Black List. Writer: Catherine Schetina Details: 94 pages One of the […]
Is today a holiday? Somebody told me today was a holiday. That because New Year’s Day landed on a Sunday, they didn’t feel it was right that we should waste a holiday on a day we already had off, so they added an additional day off and called it New Years Day Adjacent. Man, I […]
The new newsletter is in your inboxes. In it, I set up your screenplay gameplan for 2023, telling you the exact steps you need to take to achieve success. I also set up the LOGLINE SHOWDOWN, a new Scriptshadow feature of 2023 that’s going to be a blast. I review the original draft of a […]
“I know we just won the World Cup.  But what we really want to know is what are Carson’s Top 10 movies of the year???” It’s the final post of the year! Yes, after this, I will be heading deep into the Scriptshadow caves to plot the ongoing goings-ons of 2023. But before we get […]