Okay, so here’s the deal. I was exhausted when I started reading this. I almost stopped because I didn’t think I could give it a fair chance in the state I was in. I hated the opening. I was confused by what was going on. And then, out of nowhere, the script pulled me in. And it pulled me in DEEP. It’s too late for me to write out a review that honors a script this good. So I’m going to hold off my review until Monday.

In the meantime, I encourage everybody here to read the script. Not just so you can participate in Monday’s discussion. But so you know what a script that leaves an impression reads like. The character work here is – wow. The craziest thing is that I usually dislike scripts like this. So it’s going to be fun working out why this particular story succeeded with me where so many others failed. Feel free to leave initial comments on the script here. But please reserve your more substantial thoughts for Monday’s review. This script deserves a good discussion!

For those wondering what the script is like, I’d pitch it as A History of Violence meets Short Term 12.

Link to script: The Janitor