High Concept Showdown is just 11 days away!
For those new to Amateur Showdown, you submit your pitch, along with a PDF of your script. I then post the five best submissions on the site. Those five scripts compete on the site over the weekend. It will be up to you guys, the readers of the site, to read as much of each entry as you can and vote for your favorite. The script with the most votes then gets a review the following Friday.
The theme of this particular showdown is HIGH-CONCEPT. That means you have to have a big splashy idea. It doesn’t necessarily have to be high budget. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a high concept and the movie cost 15 million to make. I understand that “high-concept” is a, somewhat, vague term. So if you think your script is high concept but you’re not positive, submit it. Who knows? Maybe it makes the cut.
What: High Concept Showdown
Deadline: Dec 1, 2022 (Thursday) by 8pm Pacific Time
Include: Title, Genre, Logline, and a PDF of your screenplay
Additional: Also, feel free to pitch, more extensively, why your script deserves to be featured. Sometimes this is the difference between people checking out and not checking out your script. Think of this as your “elevator pitch.” You’ve got the producer in the elevator for a minute. Explain to him why he needs to read your script.
Where: E-mail all entries to carsonreeves3@gmail.com
Cost: Free