Come one, come all. You can get 4 pages of notes on your feature or pilot script for just $199!

I’m only giving out 5 of these, people. Maybe one or two extra. It depends on how into the holiday spirit I am. You do not need to have a finished script yet. You just have to pay before the end of the weekend. You can take as much time as you want to get me your script.

If interested, e-mail me at with subject line: BLACK FRIDAY

Also, I wanted to remind you that this month’s Logline Showdown is NEXT WEEK. So I need your entries in by Thursday night!

What: November Logline Showdown
Send me: the logline for any script you have (features will take precedence over pilots but if you’ve got the best tv show idea ever, send it in)
I need: The title, genre, and logline
Also: Your script must be written because I’ll be reviewing the winning entry the following week 
When: Deadline is Thursday, November 30th, 10:00pm Pacific Time
Send entries to:

Remember that the comments section is a great place to battle-test your logline. So feel free to spend the weekend trying out loglines and getting feedback. You’ve got almost an entire week so do everything you can to get those loglines in tip-top shape!

Finally, I’m making a really fun announcement in this month’s newsletter so if you’re not signed up, e-mail me at with subject line: NEWSLETTER.  What’s the announcement?  Let’s just say I’m taking over your entire 2024 and turning you into a repped and working screenwriter.  :)