If there is such a pitch as “Michael Clayton meets Ready Player One,” this is it Genre: Sci-fi Premise: Set in the near future, a group of savvy game-developers create high-class characters that they auction on the open market for a popular online game. About: Today we’ve got a mysterious script from Andor showrunner, Tony […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: When an American family vacationing in Australia takes an improvised excursion to a private island to see local wildlife, a devastating accident turns them into public enemy number 1. About: Ready for some inspiration? Adrian McKinty was a Belfast shipyard welder who started writing books, many of which got published but didn’t […]
Carson has never seen The Evil Dead. Until today! Genre: Horror Premise: A group of friends head out to a remote cabin where they inadvertently unleash a series of demons from the woods. About: This was Sam Raimi’s first film! You know Raimi as the director of the original Spider-Man films, the director of Dr. […]
As someone who reads a lot of scripts – scripts of every level – I’m lucky enough to be one of the few people who will read a top level professional screenplay and then, just a few hours later, a script from a brand-new writer. This allows me to study screenwriting from a unique perspective, […]
Genre: Thriller/Horror Premise: After an introverted college kid gets together with a pessimistic strange young woman, the two visit her father’s old home, where many secrets lie below the surface. About: One of the most prolific writers in the screenwriting business, Zahler, wrote this one in 2005. He would eventually turn it into an audio-story, […]