Genre: Horror/Comedy Premise: A Youtuber who’s recently come back from being cancelled livestreams an all-night excursion in a haunted house. About: Pitched as “a found-footage horror movie for people who hate found-footage horror movies,” Deadstream made its debut at SXSW to lots of audience love. The movie was written and directed by husband-wife team Vanessa […]
It’s always fun to see Scriptshadow veterans have success. Kevin Bachar is a former Amateur Showdown winner. He credits the win and the subsequent review as a big learning experience for him. Since then, he’s gone on to write a script, The Inhabitant, a modern take on serial killer Lizzie Borden, that he got optioned […]
This genre, once a secret handshake between in-the-know writers and audiences, has been all but forgotten. Is a sleeper screenwriter ready to revive it? One of the movies I watched recently for my dialogue book was the romantic comedy, Jerry Maguire. That movie has some of the most iconic lines ever written in it. SHOW […]
Genre: Horror/Adventure Premise: A former Hawaiian warrior turned werewolf is recruited to join a mysterious pack of werewolves. About: It appears that Aaron Guzikowski really likes wolves. He created the show, Raised by Wolves. And it turns out, during the planned Monsterverse slate of horror movies, he wrote a draft of The Wolfman. Afterwards, Ryan […]
Today, instead of writing about scripts from Black List’s pasts, I write about a Black List script… from the fuuuuuuutttttuuurrrrrrrre. Genre: Biopic Premise: The story of how independent right-wing media helped Donald Trump win the presidency. About: Rebecca Angelo and Lauren Schuker Blum have been on a tear lately, landing every writing job in town. […]