Genre: Comedy Premise: When a misogynist explorer meets his sudden (and violent) end, his long-overlooked understudy seizes the moment and embarks on an adventure that will earn her a place in the annals of history. About: Matt Roller is a seasoned TV writer who comes from the Dan Harmon tree, writing on both Rick and […]
After just two episodes, is House of the Dragon the best show on television? Genre: Fantasy Premise: Six months after the death of the queen during childbirth, King Viserys deals with growing trouble on several fronts. About: In its second weekend, House of the Dragon’s ratings actually went UP 2%. That’s extremely good news, considering […]
Emma Radacanu (last year’s winner) The next two weeks are two of my favorite weeks of the year. That’s because the U.S. Open is on!!! I fire up my wide-screen TV, turn on ESPN, and have luscious sweaty 4K bodies banging groundstrokes at each other in the background while I work. Since I know you’re […]
Ever since I got into screenwriting, I’ve been hearing the same pieces of advice over and over again. Normally, when advice is repeated frequently, and by lots of people, it means there’s something to it. I know, as a tennis player, that the advice, “Watch the ball,” is just as relevant today as it was […]
Eighth Grade meets Little Miss Sunshine meets Euphoria in today’s screenplay! Genre: Comedy Premise: After witnessing a drug deal gone wrong, thirteen-year-old (and exceptionally awkward) Beatrice accidentally finds herself in the middle of an underground drug ring…and on the perfect route to having a proper hot girl summer. About: Michelle Askew was born in Staten […]