
John Wick meets… National Lampoon’s Vacation Genre: Comedy/Family Premise: A former top assassin living incognito as a suburban dad must take his unsuspecting family on the run when his past catches up to him. About: Today’s writer wrote on the TV show, Scream. He’s been a head writer on two other shows. This script not […]
Black Swan meets Euphoria in today’s latest screenplay review! Genre: Psychological Thiller Premise: A young college student is forced to confront her family’s dark past when a mysterious stalker appears, derailing her life and sending her spiraling into a web of anxiety and paranoia. About: Today’s writer, Chris Grillot, is a former crime journalist. “Bella” […]
Amateur Showdown is back, baby! But I’m going to utilize a little writing tool I call… suspense… and make you read this entire article before I reveal the showdown genre. I’ve also programmed the post so that if you try and scroll down and check to see the genre first, the article automatically disappears. Sorry! […]
You guys have been waiting for it! Maybe “waiting for it” is an understatement. “Angrily demanding it” might be a better assessment? I do apologize for taking so long but this is one of the realities of a free script contest where one reader reads all the entries. It’s going to take a while. Reading […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: When stranded on the far end of Manhattan by a mysterious city-wide blackout, a group of inner-city middle schoolers must fight through seemingly supernatural forces to make their way back to their parents in the Bronx. About: Today’s writer, Chad Handley, did a little TV writing, mostly story editing, on The Righteous […]