
Genre: Action/Comedy Premise: The adoptive daughter of a legendary assassin returns home for his funeral… and finds herself in the crosshairs of her four highly trained, highly dangerous siblings. About: This script has one of the flashier loglines on the Black List. The writer, Ryan Hooper, is just starting his career. The project is set […]
Is this JJ Abram’s big return to prominence? Or is it a five car pile-up waiting to happen? Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: After losing his older brother in a fatal racing wreck, a just out of high school Speed Racer attempts to pick up where his bro left off. About: As Mr. Crawford informed me, this […]
I was going to review Stranger Things Season 4 today but there’s only one problem. I’m still on episode 6 of season 3. I had a brief flurry of motivation to binge the rest of the episodes up to and including season 4, but binging is so 2011. We’ve evolved past that, have we not? […]
This mission is much easier than you’ve been led to believe. We spend an awful lot of time on this site, and in the screenwriting community in general, discussing how difficult screenwriting is. And while it’s important to educate ourselves on the challenges of the craft, you don’t want to get too caught up in […]
Genre: Drama Premise: (from Black List) Peter, a seventeen-year-old painter, lives with his controlling mother in a lonely house in the wilderness. When he meets a mysterious stranger, he begins to question the reality he was raised to believe, gathers the courage to leave his mother, and unveils the sinister truth behind his upbringing. About: […]