The less heralded chipmunk team is back with a tree-climbing vengeance! Genre: Animation/Family Premise: Years after the acting duo have split up, Chip and Dale are given a new mission when a friend of theirs mysterious disappears. About: A lot of people had no idea this movie was even coming down the pipe so imagine […]
I’ve got a 2500 word Obi-Wan Kenobi review. Yes, I talk all about Baby Leia, Reva, eopies, and the dangers of Dave Filoni having too much creative control over the Star Wars universe. I also dive into the biggest trailer release month of the decade, breaking down Thor, Gray Man, Mission Impossible, She-Hulk, Andor, and […]
A quick note: I will be reviewing the “Kenobi” pilot in this month’s newsletter, which is coming out Saturday. So if you’re not already signed up, e-mail me at with the subject line, “NEWSLETTER.” :) You know those lightbulb moments you’ve had that literally changed the way you looked at life? Like when you […]
Genre: Comedy (potentially Romantic Comedy) Premise: Based on a story that went viral on Instagram, a man shows up in Chicago for a bachelor party only to find out that the rest of the party is stuck in another state. But he decides to do the bachelor activities anyways! About: This script finished with 8 […]
Sideways meets A Christmas Carol in Alexander Payne’s latest project. Genre: Drama Premise: A professor at a prestigious all-boys academy in 1970 is stuck babysitting the one “holdover” over Christmas break, a student whose parents have ditched him for the holiday. About: This is the big re-teaming (it’s Re-teaming Week here at Scriptshadow!) of Alexander […]