
Genre: Political/Drama/Thriller Premise: While looking into a client’s murder, a Los Angeles social worker stumbles on a political conspiracy in the wake of the 1987 Whittier Earthquake. About: This script finished in the top 15 of last year’s Black List. Both writers have done a lot of short films but this is definitely their biggest […]
Genre: Action Premise: A guy who builds boat engines for a living is recruited by a boat-racing crew who use the racing as cover for their real jobs – yacht pirates. About: This is the big script that sold a couple of weeks ago. It came together as a project once Jake Gyllenhaal signed on. […]
I saw that Moonfall debuted in second place at the box office this weekend, with 10 million dollars. Moonfall, if you don’t know, was directed by Roland Emmerich, who directed movies such as Independence Day, 2012, and The Day After Tomorrow. Emmerich was quoted as saying, in a recent interview, that Marvel, DC, and Star […]
REMINDER: A quick reminder that you have one month left! The month of March on Scriptshadow will be me guiding you through your first act. Which means you still have a month to figure out a great concept. If you’re on the fence and need feedback, I do logline evaluations for $25. You get a […]
Genre: Drama Premise: Two rival graffiti artists engage in a series of street battles, culminating in an otherworldy duel after the art starts bleeding into the real world. About: This script was optioned last year by Stampede Ventures. The writer, Brandon Constantine, recently sold a script to Lionsgate, called Cutlery. Here’s the logline for that […]