
Does the ballsiest franchise sequel since Fury Road deliver on the wild chances it takes? Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: 50-something game developer Thomas Anderson starts to believe that the game he’s developed, “The Matrix,” may be rooted in reality. About: Pretty much every major creative in town has come to WB with a Matrix pitch over […]
Tonight I will be watching The Matrix Resurrections. Tomorrow, I will have the review for you. In the interim, I’ll be praying for a Christmas miracle. As much as I want this movie to be great, I can’t help but look at the Wachowskis’ body of work and see them as screenwriting warmongers. They place […]
Note: These next 10 days are going to be weird so grab a notepad and write this down. I’m doing the weekly article tomorrow instead of Thursday because Matrix is coming out on Wednesday and I want to review it Thursday. So I’m switching those two days around. I will be sending out a newsletter […]
Spider-Man saves more than the multiverse. He saves the movie business! Genre: Superhero Premise: When Spider-Man accidentally opens up a rift in the multiverse, villains from other universes arrive in our world, determined to eradicate him. About: Spider-Man No Way Home defied… well… pretty much every expectation in the book, tallying 253 million dollars over […]
The villainous subject of the Number 5 script on the Black List One of the nice things about the Black List is that it tells us where the industry is trending. These are the scripts causing managers and agents to sign writers. These are the scripts managers and agents are encouraging their writers to write. […]