
Genre: Thriller Premise: When a major volcano in Hawaii is slated to erupt within a week, the scientist responsible for managing the eruption learns that the US military has been hiding a secret on the outskirts of the island that threatens to turn the eruption into a world-ending event. About: This is an interesting one. […]
Genre: Horror Premise: After a pregnant woman and her rich husband head to his remote country house, she has her baby, which turns out to be a spider, who she then uses to wreak havoc on those who have wronged her. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List. Writer-director Katie Found has one […]
Scene Showdown coming up next week! Genre: Thriller Premise: After meeting on vacation, a family accepts the invitation of another family out to their rural home. But once they get there, they begin to suspect that their hosts are not as cute and cuddly as they first presented themselves. About: Today’s Blumhouse film won over […]
I don’t know about you. But one of the most frustrating things FOR ME coming up as a writer, eager to figure out this whole screenwriting thing, was understanding what agents and executives meant when they’d tell me my characters weren’t “three-dimensional.” Some of the many ways I’d hear the criticism was that my characters […]
Genre: Biopic/Sports Premise: Set in the early 2000s, superstar Ivory Coast soccer player, Didier, joins his flailing home-country team again, but finds that they’re divided by the political civil war brewing within their nation. About: A fresh and green writer pens one of the top ten Black List scripts. Writer: Jackson Kellard Details: 115 pages […]