Genre: Drama Premise: A low level blackjack card counter with a dark past makes a risky decision to get staked by a big investor in an attempt to make a lot of money. About: This is the latest script from Paul Schrader, writer of Taxi Driver. The movie stars Oscar Isaac and has made a […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: Based on a true story, we follow Dennis Rodman in 1998 on a 48 hour Vegas bender with a young reluctant Chicago Bulls assistant GM right before Game 6 of the NBA Finals. About: This script just sold the other week. It’s got an interesting backstory. There were actually two competing “48 […]
It’s the LAST DAY of White Lotus Is Amazing Week. I know that some of you are going to go in a deep depression after this. Just know that there are outlets where you have support. White Lotus Discussion reddit threads. Youtube interviews with the cast and crew. I’ll be publicly recreating scenes from the […]
You gotta love it. Even MORE White Lotus talk! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Today, we’re going all in on CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS. Let’s get into it! When we think about characters, we tend to think about them as individuals. Which makes sense. Every person is an individual. But when it comes to dramatic writing, […]
How is it that one person can like a show this much? That he would dedicate an entire week of articles to it? It is a mystery that Scriptshadow readers will be trying to solve for years. However, for those of you who love White Lotus as much as I do, continue with me on […]