
We’ve got the Sundance grand prize winner here! Is it, like Rolling Stone claims, “every single Sundance movie rolled into one?” Genre: Drama Premise: A high school girl with dreams of becoming a singer is held back by her deaf family, who desperately need her help in order to succeed in their new fishing business. […]
Reposting this screenplay review with Free Guy debuting this weekend! Genre: Action (sci-fi?) Premise: (from Black List) A bank teller stuck in his routine discovers he’s a background character in a realistic, open world action-adventure video game and he is the only one capable of saving the city. About: Matt Lieberman sold this script just […]
You’re probably looking at the title of this article and thinking, “What the f#@% is a keystone cop?” When it comes to questions like these, there’s only one person I trust. Google. And here’s what he had to say: “A group of characters in humorous US silent films. They are police officers who are very […]
Is Gucci the best ‘dysfunctional family’ script ever written? Genre: Biopic Premise: Follows the notorious Gucci family, specifically the relationship between Maurizio Gucci and his blue-collar wife, Patrizia. About: For a director in his 80s, Ridley Scott sure does get around. Gucci is a huge awards contender this year. We may have finally found a […]
Genre: Horror/Comedy/Action Premise: In modern day Detroit, Dracula’s eponymous servant, Renfield, is fed up with his abusive boss. So he puts in motion an exit strategy. About: This is a project that came together two years ago with horror superstar Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) coming up with the idea. It’s part of the new […]