Genre: Superhero Premise: The infamous Suicide Squad are dropped off on a Cuba-like island where they’ve been tasked to overthrow the authoritarian government. About: 2016’s Suicide Squad was supposed to be DC’s secret weapon and depending on what metric you used, it either succeeded (it made 750 million at the global box office) or failed […]
You thought the Jungle Cruise discussion was over. How dare you. In my Monday Jungle Cruise post, I noticed some interesting conversations happening in the comments section. Some Scriptshadow readers proclaimed that almost anyone could have written Jungle Cruise. Since I LOVE these types of debates, I had to write an article about it. So […]
Genre: Biopic Premise: (from Black List) Sex, money, and one schoolyard fad that took a nation by storm. Based on the true story of Ty Warner, the enigmatic entrepreneur behind a ‘90s toy craze that sparked madness, murder, and a billion-dollar empire. About: This script finished with 8 votes on last year’s Black List. I […]
Genre: Crime/Thriller Premise: A single mother who’s about to be kicked out of her recently deceased father’s home becomes a hostage during a bank robbery that ends in shocking fashion. About: HBO Max is not playing around anymore. They want their own IP. Which is why they bought up Black Choke. I’m thrilled about this […]
I don’t know what I was expecting from Jungle Cruise but I will say that when your lead actress’s main talking point in her press appearances is that she did everything within her power to not be in the movie, that doesn’t exactly give you confidence in the flick. Then again, the history of this […]