
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: Aliens have attacked earth in the future, requiring the military to draft soldiers from the past, including a lot of lazy 40-somethings. About: The Tomorrow War was written by Black List mainstay Zach Dean. It was supposed to be his entry into the big-budget Hollywood world. But then the pandemic came around, […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: When an ultra-religious yet porn addicted teen discovers that keeping her virginity is the only way to stop Satan from taking over of the world, she has to team up with a celibate warrior monk to ward off the irresistible Incubus sent from Hell to seduce her. Why You Should Read: If […]
I listened to the entire 3 hour Joe Rogan interview with Quentin Tarantino yesterday and it’s an interesting listen for sure. Rogan isn’t much of a movie buff. Ironically, the only movies he seems to love are Tarantino’s. So the interview was more of a love fest from Rogan’s end and that prevented some of […]
Genre: War/Thriller/Horror Premise: A female U.S. Army Special Agent is sent to a remote, all-male outpost in Afghanistan to investigate accusations of war crimes. But when a series of mysterious events jeopardize her mission and the unit’s sanity, she must find the courage to survive something far more sinister. About: This script finished on the […]
Taylor Sheridan solidifies himself as a Top 5 screenwriter in Hollywood with his latest. Genre: 1 Hour TV Drama Premise: In a small town surrounded by seven prisons, two brothers do everything in their power to keep an all-out war from erupting in the community. About: Paramount looks to be building its Paramount + streaming […]