
Genre: Thriller/Mystery Premise: Psychologist Dr. Martin Park specializes in working with clients trying to curtail extreme violent urges. However, when a series of brutally murdered bodies are discovered in his small New England hometown, it’s up to Martin to figure out which of his patients is responsible. About: This script finished in the bottom third […]
Genre: Action/Thriller Premise: Two young women are kidnapped, brought deep into the woods, given a head start, and then hunted down by their sadistic captor all for the pleasure of the online fans of “The Nowhere Game.” About: This script finished with 9 votes on last year’s Black List, by far the writer’s, Alex Pototsky, […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror Premise: A group of young poor workers on a remote moon hatch a plan to steal cryo-bays from an abandoned orbiting space station but run into some unexpected trouble once they get there. About: Alien Romulus proved that the Alien franchise isn’t dead yet. It scored a 5 million dollar increase (41 million) […]
Adam Sandler was just on the Joe Rogan podcast and a big portion of the interview focused on stand-up. Before Adam Sandler became a movie star and even before he was on Saturday Night Live, he did stand-up. Sandler talks about those early days when he would go up on stage and bomb. The crowd […]
Black Swan meets Promising Young Woman? Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: A woman who discovers she is suffering from severe synesthesia gets recruited into the secretive, cult-like industry of color design by a mysterious corporation but then uncovers the bloody, dark, and twisted reality of what it really takes to make the world’s next great hues. About: […]