Genre: Black Comedy/Thriller Premise: When a freak storm hits a couples therapy retreat and turns all men in its path into predatory killers, a devoted wife and her new female allies must fight to save their lives, as well as their relationships. Why You Should Read: MAELSTROM is a satirical contained thriller that takes the […]
You know how it works. Lots of people fought to be included in High Concept Showdown. Hundreds didn’t make it. Shall those writers go on for the rest of their lives never knowing why they weren’t chosen? NOT HERE ON SCRIPTSHADOW! We’re taking five submissions that didn’t make it and explaining why. Hopefully, you can […]
It’s a busy day today so I don’t have time to read a script. But I want you to keep your eyes on the prize – Comedy Showdown. My goal is to help sell the comedy script that wins it all. And, if that’s going to happen, you have to start with a strong concept. […]
Genre: Serial Killer/Sci-Fi Premise: A former music therapist is recruited to use a mysterious machine to dive into the memories of a serial killer on death row. About: This is the writer’s SECOND time being on The Black List. The first time was with The Traveler. Writer: Austin Everett Details: 119 pages Mila for Kimball […]
Lots of possibilities for you and Scriptshadow Productions today so make sure to read the whole post! CONGRATS TO MAELSTROM! A big congrats to Stephen Parker, writer of Maelstrom. He won this weekend’s High Concept Showdown. Here’s his logline: “When a freak storm hits a couples therapy retreat and turns all men in its path […]