
Genre: Comedy/Satire Premise: (from Black List) When Tabitha, a struggling foster kid, wins a contest to become part of the BIRDIES, a popular daily YouTube channel featuring the radiant and enigmatic Mama Bird and her diverse brood of adopted children, she soon learns that things get dark when the cameras turn off. About: This one […]
Genre: TV – Period Drama (Pilot Episode) Premise: Set in the competitive world of London’s mating season, when debutantes are presented at court. About: This is Shonda Rhimes’s first big play on Netflix, and she didn’t come lightly. This looks like it cost a billion dollars to produce. Netflix opened up that pocketbook and didn’t […]
I review a big high concept sale. I come up with a great twist ending for the movie that’s better than anything they’ll come up with. I tell you all about who Chris Dennis and I are targeting for his contest-winning script, “Kinetic” and how we plan to do it. I, of course, rant about […]
The knives are out with today’s question! A reader e-mailed me yesterday and asked a good question: Do you write a logline before you write the script or do you only write it afterwards? The question stemmed from an idea that “Save The Cat’s” Blake Snyder promoted, which is that he would never write a […]
Genre: Comedy/Drama/Thriller? Premise: (from Black List) Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency About: This script finished in the top 15 of last year’s Black List. It started off as a short film, […]