
Genre: Mystery Premise: After the president of the United States is poisoned aboard Air Force One, a no-nonsense Secret Service agent reluctantly teams up with a hotshot White House staffer to investigate a flight of high-maintenance VIP suspects and solve the murder before the plane lands. About: This script finished 4th in the Mega Showdown Screenwriting […]
Deadpool and Wolverine ($54 million) continues to rule the box office. But you know what almost took it down? It Ends With Us. It Ends With Us??? What the hell is that, Carson? It’s a movie about an abusive marriage love triangle!  Where have you been??  The movie starred Ryan Reynold’s wife (Blake Lively) and, […]
So, originally, today, I was going to talk about Noah’s Choice and those pesky video cameras but, after reading Bedford, I’d rather use today’s post on helping Joseph make his script as good as it can possibly be. When I do these script reviews, half of the review is dedicated to explaining what the script […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller Premise: During a graveyard shift in a local air traffic control tower, a passenger flight goes missing, setting off a series of unexplained occurrences in the sky and leaving it up to a single determined tower operator to untangle the mystery. About: Today’s script is the culmination of our 7th month journey toward […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: The crew of a ramshackle starship, stranded lightyears from the rest of humanity, stages a daring heist to infiltrate a rogue luxury transport, steal the spare warp drive it hoards, and escape the gaze of Eos — a volatile star tumbling toward supernova. About: This script finished in second place in the […]