
Is Karma the next Matrix, the next Wanted, or the next Assassins Creed? Genre: Action/Supernatural Premise: After an aimless woman wakes up from a short coma, she begins exhibiting special abilities. About: David Guggenheim is one of those writers who experienced the screenwriting dream. It’s one thing to sell a script. A lot of writers […]
How to choose ideas that producers want to buy, next amateur showdown announcement, important end-of-contest dates, and the single worst screenwriting trope ever. Hint Hint. I remember being a young inexperienced screenwriter desperate to understand what it was Hollywood wanted. My thinking was, if I know what they want, I can give it to them. […]
“Carson,” some of you ask. “Why is it you like Cobra Kai so much? It barely adheres to the rules you preach and it’s one of the cheesiest shows on television!” I will agree with you on the second point. But the first point I’m going to push back on. Sure, Cobra Kai isn’t a […]
“Lakewood” may be the single most intense script I’ve ever read. Genre: Thriller Premise: (me being deliberately vague cause I want you to read the script yourself) A school shooting told in a very unique way. About: Man, Chris Sparling has come a long way. He started out placing a man in a coffin for […]
Genre: Horror Premise: (from Black List) After being haunted by a terrifying entity, a twelve-year-old boy teams up with his eccentric uncle and three other misfits to form their own ghost club, investigating all the paranormal sites in town so that he can find and confront the ghost that’s tormenting him. About: Today’s script finished […]