Genre: Thriller/Drama Premise: A little girl living in the wilderness with her parents has her life turned upside-down when a mysterious man shows up on something she’s never seen before – a snowmobile. About: An interesting project today, guys. First off, we have a script by Mark L. Smith (and his wife!). Smith, the writer […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: In a post-apocalyptic future, the passengers on a maglev train traveling from Los Angeles to London get more than they bargained for when an alien creature gets loose. About: Giddy with excitement. I haven’t read the script yet. All I heard was aliens on a train and I was in. Jim Uhls […]
Is Simon Rich the new Charlie Kaufman? Genre: Comedy Premise: A struggling Hollywood director who’s had minimal success gets his first opportunity to direct a studio film. The only problem is the stage where he has to shoot is haunted by an angry silent film actress ghost. About: Amblin, along with Scott Pilgrim Vs. The […]
I was thinking back to one my top 5 ever movie scenes, the opening scene in Fargo where Jerry meets the two criminals in the bar to solidify the job he’s hired them for – kidnap his wife. The dialogue in that scene, while not as vibrant or quote-worthy as, say, a Tarantino scene, is […]
Genre: Spy/Thriller Premise: Two CIA operative former lovers meet for dinner and try to figure out what happened five years ago with a complicated hostage plane takeover in Vienna they were involved in. About: Olen Steinhauer adapted this script from his own novel. The script just sold to Netflix with Chris Pine and Thandie Newton […]