Genre: Horror Premise: A mother and her twin teenage sons live in a remote cabin where they’ve developed a system to protect themselves from the evil that has destroyed the rest of the world. About: Shawn Levy can’t get enough! Even after becoming Netflix’s number 2 man behind Reed Hastings, the Stranger Things producer wants […]
Okay, everybody. Monday is Labor Day so I’m not going to be back until, gasp, TUESDAY! I mean, the madness, right? How are we going to survive without our Scriptshadow updates? Well, building off yesterday’s article about READING SCRIPTS, I’m going to make this the official script trading thread. Here you can talk about recent […]
1997’s The Postman was voted the most boring movie of all time I was talking to a screenwriter the other day and we got on the topic of reading scripts. I asked her how many scripts she’d read this year. Her answer surprised me. She said, “How many have I finished or how many have […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: (from Black List) After she catches her boyfriend cheating, Liv goes on a social media tirade that lands her in court for slander, and the judge forces her to make amends by composing one positive comment for every negative comment she posted, while under the supervision of a reclusive mediator also on […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: A boy on the run in the endless Montana forest teams up with a smokejumper to escape two evil brothers intent on killing him. About: This is based on the successful novel of the same name. The author of the novel, Michael Koryta, wrote the original screenplay adaptation. Then Charles Levitt was […]