Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: In a dystopian society, a government worker recovering from a traumatic accident is rescued by a group of rebels who insist that he’s the leader of their movement. About: I have to give it to Mattson Tomlin. He’s been scrapping away for a while, occasionally getting scripts on the Black List. I’ve […]
Today’s quirky script feels like something that would’ve topped the 2010 Black List. Genre: Comedy Premise: A Jewish immigrant accidentally gets brined in a giant pickle barrel, perfectly preserving him for 100 years, after which he’s discovered and must learn to live in the year 2020. About: What’s that thing I keep telling all of […]
With all this free time in quarantine, I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Wars. I recently ran into a “video essay” – I guess these are a thing now – about what was wrong with the new Star Wars trilogy. One of the easiest things in this world is to do, by the way, […]
Guys, it was not a good contest entry week. Barely any scripts got into the top 2 piles. One of the biggest factors on whether a script advances in my contest or not is if there’s a dramatically compelling situation in the first ten pages. That means there’s a problem and characters need to resolve […]
With the arrival of today’s spec, we must ask the question, is the real-time war film going to become its own genre?? Genre: Action/War Premise: Near the tail end of World War 2, an American POW escapes certain death at a concentration camp and makes a run for the southern Allied border, but is pursued […]