Genre: Family/Sci-Fi Premise: After moving to Maine and befriending an enigmatic hermit, twelve-year-old Henrietta Thorne begins to wonder if he holds the key to solving a mystery that has eluded our planet for more than a decade. About: Today’s writers have been at the screenwriting craft for over ten years. They wrote and directed the […]
Genre: Music Biopic Premise: The turbulent road to success of the band, Fleetwood Mac, whose childhood sweetheart members, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks, broke up and began writing songs about each other, songs that would make the band one of the most popular of all time. About: Rumours finished Top 10 on last year’s Black […]
Today we introduce a new screenwriting term – the “reluctant active hero.” Genre: Comedy/Drama Premise: Based on Pete Davidson’s life, a directionless young man, whose life changed forever when his firefighter father died, must come to grips with the reality that his mother is finally starting to date again. About: Comedy media mogul Judd Apatow, […]
For those not up to date, I’ve moved The Last Great Screenplay Contest deadline to July 4th. That gives us FOUR Thursday articles to get your script into shape so you can win the contest and we can get your movie made and take over Hollywood. Each of these four articles will deal with a […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: A young woman invites people up to her remote lake house to murder them. But when a back-stabbing ex-friend apologizes for her past transgressions, our murderess changes her mind, to unexpected results. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List with 8 votes. Rachel James recently graduated from Columbia University School […]