Is Into the Night the next Lost? Genre: Sci-Fi (TV show) Premise: (from IMDB) When a mysterious cosmic disaster strikes Earth, survivors on an overnight flight from Brussels race to find refuge and escape the sun’s rays. About: This show premiered on Netflix last week and I’d been hearing whispers that it was good. It’s […]
Today’s script is like an R-rated Princess Bride set in 16th Century Rome with a little Mission Impossible built in to boot. Genre: Action/Comedy/Period Logline: In 16th-century Rome, astronomical badass Nicolaus Copernicus seeks papal approval for his radical new theory about the universe, but after he’s framed for the Pope’s kidnapping, he’ll risk his life […]
The other day, I started reading a Black List script and I was about ten pages into it and it was just boring with a capital B. Since I planned on reviewing a script that day, I had a choice to make. I could either ditch this script and start a new one (which I […]
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: A billionaire gives up all his money before joining 200 passengers on a ship that will fly to a new planet. About: Today’s short story was bought up out of the The New Yorker by Simon Kinberg’s production company. As you may remember, this is the second high-profile short story Kinberg has […]
Today’s script is Steven Spielberg’s classic, “Duel,” meets Falling Down. Genre: Thriller Premise: A young woman driving her son to school gets into a road rage incident with a man who killed his ex-wife earlier that morning. About: Unhinged, starring Russell Crowe, was originally slated to come out this fall. It is the only movie […]