Genre: TV Comedy/Sci-Fi Premise: In a future where your consciousness is uploaded into a hard drive that substitutes for heaven, a young programmer finds himself a new resident of the afterlife after a car accident. About: One of the most frustrating results of superheroes taking over cinema is the death of the high-concept. I love […]
I’m going to be hard at work all weekend on the newsletter so there’s no time for a Showdown today. But do not worry. I’ll be doing Second Chance Showdown next weekend. As for what to expect with the newsletter, I can confirm now there won’t be any Star Wars in it. For those of […]
Going back through Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s script reviews, I identified a common theme, which was: HOLY SCHNIKEYS, STRUCTURE MATTERS A LOT! Without structure, you can lose your grip on a good concept by page 20. I actually like the concept of a smart house attacking someone. I know it’s been done before but no one […]
What? A new feature on Scriptshadow? A full 10 years after the site started? How does that even happen?? Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama Premise: (from Hit List) When new technology allows people to have realistic sex in virtual reality, a man begins to suspect that the avatar he’s been digitally hooking up with behind his girlfriend’s back […]
Today’s screenplay poses the question, “What if you could date Hal 9000?” Genre: Thriller Premise: After a whirlwind long-distance online romance, a once-cynical writer inherits a remote smart-house from her newly deceased new husband and discovers he might not be entirely gone after all. About: Lauren Caris Cohan is a writer-director and this is going […]