Genre: Thriller Premise: When old college friends on a trip to Mexico get trapped in an underwater cave system with a bull shark, old tensions and power struggles resurface as they fight to survive. About: This script finished with 8 votes on last year’s Black List! Writers: Aja Gabel & Myung Joh Wesner Details: 100 […]
Genre: TV Drama (but sort of a movie, since it’s only 4 episodes) Premise: A young woman in an orthodox Jewish community in New York escapes to Berlin to pursue a new life. About: This series is based on the real-life story of Deborah Feldman, who chronicled her exploits in the 2012 autobiography Unorthodox: The […]
Genre: Sci-Fi (TV 1-Hour Drama) Logline: Within hours of learning from an otherworldly source that his upcoming flight is destined for disaster, a would-be Good Samaritan highjacks Northwest Orient flight 305 in order to prevent it from crashing – so begins the saga of history’s most elusive fugitive, D.B. Cooper. Why You Should Read: To […]
You’ve had 72 hours to gain some distance from the screenplay you wrote in two weeks. Wait. TWO WEEKS!? How in the world were you able to write a screenplay in TWO WEEKS?? Oh yeah. Because of me. :) Prep 1, Prep 2, Prep 3, Prep 4, Prep 5, Prep 6, Day 1, Day 2, […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: When a young man can’t come up with enough money for his wedding, he’s forced to enlist the help of his estranged crazy grandmother, who will only provide the dough if he helps her kill herself. About: This script finished on last year’s Black List with 12 votes. This is writer Patrick […]