
Genre: Thriller/Horror Premise: Two years after a free solo accident nearly killed her, a fearless climber enlists the help of her old climbing partners to document her comeback. About: This script finished number 2 on last year’s Hit List. It was part of a bidding war that Netflix won. Netflix always wins. The project will […]
Congratulations! You’ve finished your script. Now what??? Before I answer that question, let’s talk about productivity, since that was a common theme that came up throughout this challenge. At one point or another, everyone battled with putting words on the page. From what I could tell, these issues fell into two categories. Category one was […]
96 pages down! That means you should be in the heart of your climax. A lot of people have issues with climaxes (insert joke here) but I find them to be one of the easier sequences in a screenplay. The trick is to treat the climax like its own movie. It’s a shorter movie. But […]
88 pages down. 22 to go! In this bizarre world where you can walk down a sidewalk and the people walking towards you beeline to the other side of the street the second they see you coming, 22 pages left feels like darn good news. Oh, who am I kidding? People darted away from me […]
It is Day 11 of the 2 Week Script Challenge. I’ve asked you to write 8 pages a day. Which would mean, if you’ve been good, you will be writing pages 80 to 88 today. Now here’s the good news if you’ve gotten this far. The last 30 pages of your script are the most […]