
Genre: Drama/Comedy Premise: Life as a single dad hasn’t been a challenge for Las Vegas blackjack dealer Mike Klein, until his ex resurfaces after walking out on the family six years ago. About: This script finished with 10 votes on last year’s Black List. The Black List hasn’t been holding up its end of the […]
Genre: Horror Premise: After her abusive boyfriend commits suicide, a woman begins to think he’s found a way to haunt her from the grave. About: Leigh Whannell directed a cool little sci-fi movie that nobody saw called “Upgrade.” Jason Blum was impressed enough with the result that he gave him this film, a new take […]
CHECK YOUR INBOXES! Alert your SPAM folders and declassify your PROMOTIONS folders. The Scriptshadow Newsletter should be there. This newsletter covers it all. You know I’ve got some Star Wars breakdown for ya. Then I get into all the wild projects being greenlit around town. I talk about Quibi. Who DOESN’T talk about Quibi?? I […]
We’ve said it a million times on this site. One of the best ways to get noticed as a writer is to create a great character. It’s such a powerful trick, in fact, you don’t even need the rest of the script to be that good. The funny thing about this is that we all […]
Genre: Drama Premise: A young circus hand befriends the newest addition to the show, a seductive mermaid with a murderous past. About: This is the runner up script from The A-List, which is not an actual list but a screenwriting contest set up specifically for entertainment assistants. The scripts are judged by the assistants and, […]