Genre: Vampire Premise: After the United States survives a vampire war, a young human girl going through puberty learns that she may be turning into a vampire. About: Bill Kennedy is best known for writing a number of episodes for House of Cards. With this spec, he got onto last year’s Black List, garnering a […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama Premise: Nineteen years after his death, a man’s consciousness is revived in the body of a recent suicide victim, and he sets off on a journey through an unfamiliar world to find the wife he left behind. About: This script finished with 19 votes on last year’s Hit List. The shortest combined name […]
Genre: Found footage/Crime-thriller Premise: Told through the lens of a police-worn body camera, a retiring cop with a baby on the way faces the most harrowing shift of his career after a traffic stop devolves into a violent mess affecting both sides of the law. Why You Should Read: I’ve always thought a found-footage film […]
Note: Getting a bunch of e-mails to review “The Hunt” since it’s stirring up all this controversy. Well, I already reviewed it a few months ago. Going to repost the review now. Enjoy! Genre: Thriller/Social Commentary Logline: A group of rich liberal elites drug and kidnap ten rednecks, drop them in the middle of nowhere, […]
I want you to imagine a scenario with me. You’ve just become the hot cool screenwriting thang on the block. Your nifty biopic about the woman who invented the trampoline finished with 27 votes on the Black List. All of a sudden everyone wants to meet with you. So you go to meeting after meeting […]