
Genre: Drama Premise: (from Hit List) Set against the austere backdrop of pig-hunting in modern day Hawaii, an unlikely bond is formed when an orphaned wild piglet takes shelter in the back yard of a grieving couple, leading to a series of emotional journeys and consequences for man and pig alike About: This script finished […]
Genre: Superhero/1 Hour TV Drama Premise: (from Wikipedia) In a world in which super-powered “heroes” have become commonplace, they are syndicated, monetized, and marketed by a company called Vought International. Unfortunately, money and privilege corrupt, and many of the “supes” give in to their darker impulses. A clandestine group of normal-human vigilantes then arises to […]
This is who needs to star in the Top 25 Script I review! In this newsletter, I go over my thoughts on Marvel’s experimental Phase 4, give some candid opinions on this month’s trailers, with a special shout out to Knives Out. I sneak into the muddy waters of that new Matt Damon Ben Affleck […]
Genre: Drama Premise: A fading moving star and his trusty stuntman navigate the perils of Hollywood in 1969. About: Psychologically, it was imperative that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood cross the 40 million dollar mark this weekend. So thank goodness it was BARREELLLLY able to do so, grabbing 40.2 million dollars. The film has […]
Genre: Spy/True Story/Thriller Premise: In 1985, when CIA Officer Aldrich Ames sells what he believes to be useless intelligence to the Soviets to pay for his divorce, he inadvertently sets off an international Cold War crisis that finds him heading up a special CIA unit — a unit created to find out who sold secrets […]