Is Toy Story 4 yet another unneeded sequel, like Dark Phoenix, or does this fourk-el fly like the phoenix? Genre: Animation Premise: When the toys’ new owner, Bonnie, makes a toy at her first day at kindergarten called Forky, Woody and the crew must ensure Bonnie doesn’t lose him. About: Pixar’s flagship franchise is back! […]
I received an all-timer screenplay e-mail query. I can’t give you the whole thing but here’s the heart of it: “I have ten scripts, but I’m sending 10 query letters (summary) with my bio (last page of Query-10 script) first and then you can decide which one someone you’ll refer to make a movie out […]
Due to a combination of movie economics and the audience’s desire for balance, you need to include “slow” scenes in your script. I put “slow” in quotes for a reason. As you’ll soon find out, “slow” is a relative term. However, I would argue that learning how to write entertaining slow scenes is one of […]
Genre: Sci-Fi/Family Premise: (from Hit List) In the near future, after a ten-year-old boy’s father dies, the androids programmed to care for him move to the suburbs and pretend to be a family in order to give the boy a shot at a normal life. About: Matt Lieberman is quietly becoming one of the biggest […]
Genre: Whimsical Dramedy Premise: A young man makes the all important second round of a mission to Mars contest, and begins his training, despite the fact that everyone in town thinks the contest is a scam. About: This script snuck onto the 2016 Black List, grabbing 6 votes. The project, written by Rebecca Banner, got […]