Genre: Drama/Light Sci-Fi Premise: Two life-long friends, one married, one single, find joy in playing their favorite fighting video game together, Striking Vipers. But when the latest version of the game becomes too realistic, the friends find themselves exploring it in unexpected ways. About: Black Mirror is back, this time with only a 3-episode season, […]
So I watched that Blurry Man Twilight Zone episode you guys recommended last night and now I’m furious with you. That episode was the definition of a “biding time until the twist” script. They literally hit the same beat 50 times in a row. And the big twist wasn’t even a twist. It was more […]
Today I want to share with you something I never figured out while I was writing screenplays. This was such a game-changing revelation that had somebody told it to me early on in my journey – as opposed to 15 screenplays in – I’d be writing this entry from the set of a 200 million […]
In celebration of the Ad Astra trailer being released today, here’s my old review of the script, which was previously only available in the newsletter. Enjoy! Genre: Sci-fi Premise: In the future, an autistic astronaut goes on journey into the solar system to find his father. About: This was a top secret project that came […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: A jewel thief reconnects with her sister, who’s just gotten out of prison, and the two get a team of women together to steal a bunch of diamonds at the always weird and wild Met Gala. About: This script was sold to New Line in 2015 during the female comedy goldmine era […]