Genre: Horror Premise: A yuppie couple and their daughter move into a long-standing Portland neighborhood that doesn’t like how gentrification is changing their city. About: Very little is known about this co-writing team that snuck onto last year’s Black List with this script, which tallied 8 votes. Writers: Ross Lazar and Sebastian Shepard Details: 111 […]
Genre: Drama/Psychological Thriller Premise: Based on a real life story, the psychotic father of a freshman at a small college moves into her apartment and begins controlling the lives of the 6 other coeds who live there. About: This is a high-profile “New York” magazine article that got picked up by Hollywood heavyweights Jason Blum […]
The Scriptshadow Newsletter should be hitting your Inboxes any second now. I give more screenwriting tips in this Newsletter than any newsletter in history! For all you TV writers, you’re going to love this edition. Lots of TV stuff. I give my opinion on Rotten Tomatoes’ stupid new review policy, that Terminator trailer, the weirdest […]
Genre: Thriller Premise: A film school dropout with a talent for producing AI-generated “deepfake” videos is caught in a global conspiracy when he receives a disturbing commission from a mysterious online stranger. Why You Should Read: If you haven’t yet seen deepfakes in the news, you will. This emerging AI-powered technology lets anyone with an […]
Is Barry Season 2, Episode 5 (“Ronnie/Lily”) really the best episode of television since 2010? I don’t know. But it’s in the conversation. I resisted discussing the episode until now because I figured only a small percentage of you watched Barry and to best appreciate the episode, you needed to watch the first 8 episodes […]