Genre: Thriller Premise: (from Black List) When Grace and her husband Jay retreat to an empty vacation island to escape his grueling political campaign, Grace begins reliving traumatic experiences from her past, forcing her to question what is real. About: Today’s writer came out of nowhere. Up to this point, he’d been writing and directing […]
Genre: Drama with light comedic elements? Premise: After their friends lose their daughter to a drunk driving accident, a neurotic New York couple find themselves unable to comfort and relate to their pain. But as the pair grapples with their personal inadequacies, their own relationship slowly begins to unravel. About: Today’s script finished on both […]
Genre: Article/True Story Premise: After having a stroke, a prominent Los Angeles doctor begins rapping, eventually taking his talents to the heart of the Los Angeles street rap scene. About: This Atlantic article was discovered and picked up by producer Michael Sugar (Spotlight). Sugar will produce the film for Netflix. John Hamburg (I Love You, […]
There ain’t any movies coming out this weekend! I guess I’ll just have to watch Free Solo again. Actually, I just found out that the mountain in Free Solo is only four and a half hours away. Can somebody say… ROAD TRIP! Story time. Since free-soloing El Cap, Alex Honnold has been approached by several […]
The Scriptshadow Newsletter is like a locust. Or a blood moon. You never know when it’s going to strike! Well, actually, all you need is a calendar to know when those things are going to strike. But you get the idea. It’s rare! So yes, that newsletter that just hit your Inbox IS NOT AN […]