Genre: Comedy Premise: A morally bankrupt woman kidnaps her left-at-the-alter brother to the Amalfi Coast, posing as his wife to secure the $250,000 Honeymoon Prize he won. About: This one finished in the middle of the pack on the 2016 Black List. It was written by Zoe McCarthy, who I’ve reviewed before. Her script, “Cut […]
Eighth Grade isn’t only one of the best films of the year. It’s got some kickass screenwriting lessons hidden inside it. Today, I share them with you. Genre: Drama Premise: A chronically introverted eighth-grader attempts to navigate the end of the year by finally breaking out of her shell. About: Bo Burnham became an Youtube […]
Do not be sad! True, we have to wait an entire extra week for Halloween Amateur Offerings. But in the meantime, we have an entire thread to update the world on your 2018 screenwriting progress. How many scripts have you written? Or how much of a single script have you written? Are you on schedule […]
As I like to remind all the screenwriters out there… always keep an eye on the box office. Hollywood spends so much money on productions these days that a single unexpected triumph or a single earth-shattering failure can create a tectonic shift in the business. Look no further than Solo. Many considered Star Wars the […]
Genre: Drama/Crime/Shades of Sci-Fi Premise: (from Hit List) After America goes bankrupt and millions flee the country, a Chinese billionaire hires an American PI to rescue his daughter in the American ghetto of Hong Kong. About: Today’s script finished with 8 votes on last year’s Hit List. The writer, Rowan Athale, wrote and directed the […]