
Genre: True Story/Sports Premise: The true story of Brad Lewis, a blue-collar rower rejected numerous times by the Olympic team, who eventually wins America’s first gold medal in the sport in 50 years. About: This script finished with a monstrous 32 votes on the 2016 Black List. Screenwriter Tony Tost is one of the writers […]
Genre: Superhero Premise: (IMDB’s awful logline) When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego “Venom” to save his life. About: If you’d have told me that Venom made 28 million at the box office this weekend, I would’ve nodded and said, “Sounds about right.” I didn’t know […]
Genre: True Crime/Thriller Premise (from writer): After the arrest of David Parker Ray, one of the most sadistic men in US history, the consequences of his heinous crimes unfold through the eyes of different characters in search of countless missing victims. Why You Should Read: I’ve been obsessed with this little-known true story ever since […]
I was so frustrated by yesterday’s script – specifically how lame the main character was – that I needed to write an article reminding everyone how to write a main character. As I said yesterday, your story *is* your main character. So if you get that part right, everything else in the script is likely […]
Genre: Crime/Drama Premise: A rapper who built his gangster image off an old friend learns that the friend has been released from prison early and is looking for revenge. About: Making a movie is hard. You can be *this* close and, all of a sudden, BAM, everything falls apart. That’s what happened with Harmony Korine’s […]