
Genre: Drama/Crime Premise: (from IMDB) When two overzealous cops get suspended from the force, they must delve into the criminal underworld to get their just due. About: S. Craig Zahler is somewhat of a screenwriting legend. At one point he’d sold over a dozen [unproduced] screenplays. Since then, Zahler’s graduated into directing, and his newest […]
Genre: Drama/Supernatural Premise: (from IMDB) June and Oscar live a comfortable but very predictable wedded life when suddenly they find themselves in a completely unexpected situation, raising questions about love and marriage. About: Alan Yang, creator of Master of None, got this gig when Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph, who have been wanting to work […]
Genre: Musical Horror Comedy Premise: In 1985, an eager teen in search of an exciting summer signs up to work at a musical summer camp where counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant. Why You Should Read: A Killer Musical is three things: a musical, a slasher movie, and a comedy, in that […]
Number 5! 1) When a character asks a question, don’t always have the other character answer it. – Many writers treat dialogue like a logical exchange of information. If someone asks something [beep beep boop – I am a robot] the other character must answer. The second character will, in turn, ask a question, and […]
This week has been extremely busy for me, so much so that I didn’t have time to read a script last night. Instead, I offer you a giant helping of Scriptshadow Quick Hits, a dose of the projects that have been making noise around town the last couple of months. Would love to hear your […]