
Genre: Comedy Premise: A woman goes on a vacation with her much younger boyfriend’s family. About: Melissa Stack is a lawyer turned screenwriter, which is funny when you think about it, since most parents of screenwriters wish their children would’ve become lawyers. In one of the most notorious Black List entries of all time, Stack’s […]
It’s a wonderful and rare day here on Scriptshadow. We get to celebrate one of the very few IMPRESSIVE amateur scripts I’ve read for the site. Grab your popcorn and notepad. This should be fun! Genre: Crime/Drama Logline: A mob rib breaker turned high school janitor seeks to redeem his violent past by preventing a […]
Okay, so here’s the deal. I was exhausted when I started reading this. I almost stopped because I didn’t think I could give it a fair chance in the state I was in. I hated the opening. I was confused by what was going on. And then, out of nowhere, the script pulled me in. […]
A handful of people e-mailed me after last week’s article stating it was one of the best screenwriting articles they’ve ever read. I also saw some comments from writers who felt I was oversimplifying the issue of screenwriting success (or lack thereof). Either way, the article struck a chord. And I think that’s because articles […]
Genre: Horror Premise: A group of friends on a weekend getaway play a game of pretend murder called “bodies bodies bodies” which results in several real murders. About: The hottest up-and-coming film company right now is A24. Now, typically, A24 follows a strict business model. Find an artsy director and let them direct whatever the […]