
Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller Premise: In a future where people are enhancing their lives with smart technology implants, a successful criminal defense attorney has her body hijacked by an anonymous hacker and struggles to prevent him from using her to commit a series of proxy murders. About: Today’s script finished in the top 20 of last year’s […]
Today I take a second look at a movie that has slowly and quietly become a sci-fi classic. There is no movie in recent years that has gained more fans after underperforming at the box office than Edge of Tomorrow. I can tell you from personal experience that no fewer than a dozen people (many […]
Genre: Drama/Thriller Premise: When a young widow’s son mysteriously disappears in Crater Lake National Park she will have one week to find him before the snowy season begins & buries any trace. Why You Should Read: Much of my writing has always been complex, so I took this opportunity to write something simple, short, sweet […]
Tip 10! TIP 1: Have at least one character in your script who experiences a major transformation. TIP 2: Beware “I can do that too” writing, where you’re basically rewriting your favorite films. TIP 3: Avoid “dirty” pages. These are pages with a lot of dashes, ellipses, bolded or italicized text. Keep things clean and […]
Genre: Horror Premise: (from Blood List) When a pregnant social worker is called upon to investigate a murder involving a teenage mother, she uncovers an insidious plot with possible ties to the occult that has her questioning her sanity and the very nature of her unborn child. About: Today’s screenplay landed on the 2017 Blood […]