
Genre: Crime Drama/Action Logline (from writer): When a routine prison transfer turns into a precarious hostage situation at a rural gas station & grill, a curmudgeonly small-town sheriff on the cusp of retirement must team up with a hardened Native American inmate to dodge gunfire and keep each other alive as a rebellious pack of […]
I was chatting with a screenwriter who’s fairly new to the medium. He’d written a Breaking Bad type pilot that was good. However, it had the potential to be a lot better if he improved his scene-writing. There were too many scenes in the pilot that were treading water. Conversations that didn’t have enough bite […]
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi Premise: (from Black List) A young black girl’s family in 1960s Mississippi decides to harbor two human-looking refugees who have mysteriously fallen from the sky. About: Today’s screenplay is a double-whammy! It was one of the 2017 Nicholl Screenwriting Competition winners AND it made the Black List, with 12 votes. Sarah Jane Inwards, […]
Genre: TV Pilot – 1 Hour Drama Premise: (from IMDB) A young guy from Long Beach joins a local fraternal group, Lodge 49. About: Today’s pilot comes from brand spanking newcomer Jim Gavin, a 38 year old who grew up in Long Beach and used to work in plumbing, which plays a prominent role in […]
Genre: Action Premise: The CIA must transfer an Indonesian cop to a remote airfield 22 miles away while avoiding the most dangerous man in the country, whose livelihood depends on killing everyone in their transport. About: One of the biggest bromances in Hollywood – Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg – continues with Mile 22. This […]