
How one cataclysmic screenplay decision doomed the most joyful franchise in the Marvel Universe. Genre: Superhero Premise: When Dr. Hank Pym uncovers information that his wife, who went missing decades ago after descending into the “quantum realm,” may still be alive, he sets out to find her. About: The new sequel to Ant-Man had the […]
Genre: Comedy Premise: When a young woman with #metoo anger-related issues hits her head and believes she’s a pirate queen, she acts out on a group of hapless guys in an attempt to even the score. About: This script began life as Let’s Be Famous, which was featured on Scriptshadow in August of 2017. It […]
Yesterday’s celebration of the great country we live in led to thoughts of the not so nice things about the country we live in. I’m talking, of course, about Michael Bay movies. I remember July 4th of 2001 like it was yesterday. It was the day Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor came out (it actually came […]
Let’s put aside our differences and opinions for one day and celebrate one of the greatest countries in this planet’s history! + =
Genre: Family/Adventure/Comedy Premise: (from Black List) When bad guys break into their home and kidnap their parents, siblings Kevin and Clancy are forced to confront the fact that there may be way more to their stay-at-home mom than meets the eye. About: Today’s script leapt and grabbed onto the bottom rung of last year’s Black […]