Genre: Action-Thriller Premise: (from Black List) When a veteran hitwoman is mysteriously poisoned on her last assignment in Tokyo, she has 24 hours to track down her killer before she dies. About: Before today’s script made the bottom half of last year’s Black List, it got a 25 million dollar production commitment from Netflix… WITHOUT […]
Genre: Action/Adventure Premise: (from IMDB) When the island’s dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event. About: Three years ago, Jurassic World took the world by storm. The movie nobody thought they wanted became a mega-hit, grossing 1.6 billion worldwide. In a […]
A reminder that if you want to compete for a featured script review on Scriptshadow, e-mail me at and include the title of your script, the genre, a logline, a pitch to myself and other readers on why we’d enjoy your script, and, finally, an attached PDF of your screenplay. Good luck! Genre: Western […]
The main reason this movie works so well is that it has a big concept and a simple execution. I will trumpet this advice until the day I can no longer type – keep your stories simple. A group of people get stuck on an island full of monsters. They try and escape. That’s all […]
Genre: Family Premise: A family grieving a loss hires a local company to help them create a haunted house for Halloween and get more than they bargained for. About: Today’s script sold back in 2011 to Platinum Dunes. It comes from the writer of last year’s biggest surprise hit, “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” Scott […]