Genre: Dark Comedy Thriller Premise: (from Black List) A darkly comic crime thriller concerning three groups of people dealing with blackmail gone wrong. About: Kill Shelter appeared on the bottom half of last year’s Black List. It’s written by newcomers Eric Beu and Greg Martin. The two won the 2015 Script Pipeline TV Writing Contest […]
Many have called The Truman Show the best spec script ever written. Today I’m going to remove the film from memory, read the script fresh, and determine if that’s true. Genre: Drama/Fantasy Logline: A life insurance salesman slowly discovers that his entire life is actually a television show. About: In 1997, hot upstart screenwriter Andrew […]
It should be an incredible weekend. Or should I say, incredibles weekend? Heh heh. Get it? Cause of the Incredibles 2 movie with the baby. Why I haven’t segued into stand up comedy at this point is beyond a mystery. But seriously, I have a question for you guys. I’ve read numerous stories over the […]
With financiers and mini-studios and Blumhouse and A24 and Focus and Amazon and Netflix’s industrialization of the production process, more movies are being made than ever before. Yet you still can’t get your script sold, or even noticed for that matter. What’s up? I’m going to address that right now. Here are 10 things you […]
Genre: Dark Comedy/Satire Premise: (from Black List) When a liberal white girl who knows exactly how to fix society accuses her equally liberal professor of hate speech, it throws the campus and both their lives into chaos as they wage war over the right way to stop discrimination. About: Today’s script is a perfect example […]