
Genre: Sci-Fi Premise: (from Hit List) In the face of a massive extinction event on Earth, a team of scientists are chosen to restore the human species once the planet is hospitable again. However, when they wake up millions of years later, Earth is nothing like they expected. About: Today’s script landed on the 2016 […]
I’m going to make a prediction. At some point in the next two weeks, Rian Johnson will announce he’s stepping away from the Star Wars franchise to pursue, “exciting new original endeavors.” The Blu-Ray numbers have finally come in for the sequel to the trilogry threequel and it’s not good. In its first week, Last […]
Genre: TV Pilot (Drama) Premise: (from writer) In a dystopian future where death comes early for most, the hyper-violent game of Bullseye keeps the downtrodden masses pacified. The stars of the game trade a shortened life expectancy for luxury and carnal pleasure. But when Bullseye’s most famous star tries to retire, it’s the seed of […]
I was in the process of reading a screenplay for a consultation a few days ago when the writer e-mailed me with a new draft that contained a couple of minor scene changes. If I hadn’t already started reading his screenplay, he asked, could I please read this new version instead? This happens a lot. […]
Genre: Horror Premise: When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. About: Billed “The scariest movie of the year!” Hereditary comes out this weekend. It made waves after a few festival screenings, with many coming away saying that we’d […]